Sunday, August 17, 2014

Love & Sex

Most people think that love is a bed of roses,
to love someone is not enough for a relationship
to work and there may be several reasons.
But love there is also a responsibility,
taking care of the others to do what
is right for each other all the time.
You are not the only one to take decisive anymore
and you can not always do what you want,
but it is nice to meet each other half ways,
that way you can both get done what you want to do.

Let`s talk about the positive things about love.
The good feeling to be loved and to love someone,
the feeling that makes you want to
close near the persjonen all the time.
Kiss that makes you forget everything around you
and touch that feels like waves that fail over a naked skin.
the feeling that makes you say that you are right even if you act
before the person you were with before that and before that,
but you learn each time that the feeling is not
the same as you have felt before or before that.
the feeling that grows stronger and stronger
to the bustle seem frightening at
a good way.
Not least being able to say I love you,
and that feeling when you here someone say it back

Let`s talk about what makes that love sucks.
 adultery, lying, being used and more.
this feeling is a terrible feeling,
sometimes it feels like someone has ripped the heart out of your chest,
who you are in love with is not in love with you
or you are in love with just using you.
There may be several reasons why you think love sucks.
but the consolation is that everything will be all right eventually.

Let`s talk about sex (baby)
Sex is something people see as an important
part in a relationship,
but is it?
Sex is something that is good
thing to share with your loved ones,
but sex can ruin a part in the relationship.
Some use sex after an argument to prove
that Angerer to that but love the persjonen.
but it is a daal way to use sex to, sex never solves a problem,
only delay it, so if you and your partner are in a fight,
talk about the problem to solve it before you have sex.
Sex is a very intimate thing between
you and other persjon,
so do not have sex if you are not ready for it,
you should definitely not have sex because
others have it or because your partner
would have it, if he / she really loves you,
then he / she does not mind waiting until you are ready.

Touching and teasing.
Do not touch, teasing and sex become a routine.
it is important to renew it a bit,
strip, lick off each other cream or vanilla / chocolate sauce,
talk dirty,
, role play, try new positions, send messages,
write a sex story and read it for your partner
and feel free to bring your fantasies in the story.
there?s plenty you can do to tease up a persjon,
and do not be afraid to tell your partner what you like
and dislike.
( little embarrassing but this is me)

 Even if you are in a relationship, it is wise to use protection,
as a condom,
it will protect you against diseases and pregnancy.
Your friend Mr. condom.
If you and your partner decide to start having unprotected sex,
I recommends that you both go to the doctor to take a test for safety.
you get condoms in different sizes, colors, shapes and flavors.

If there are young people who read this,
I would say that before you have sex talk with parents,
teachers, school nurse / doctor.
it?s okay to get information about sexual
activities before you begin to have sex.

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